All Tomorrows Stories
The artworks reform news feeds into a collaged images presented back online as netart. These digital generative artworks try make meaning of all the information that bombards us online and remediated information into a current of ever changing patterns. Technical. You need the shockwave plug in installed to experience these artworks. (Shockwave was made obsolete in 2019 but if you have the plug in you can see them online. Please note. The links below do no work unles you have shockwave installed however they are available as software for art gallery exhibitions on request. See video or enter online work below"All Tomorrows Stories: The Infobese Isolate" Online Net art Version 2002. Enter "All Tomorrows Stories: The Society Of Infobesity" Online Net art Version. 2002 Enter "All Tomorrows Stories: Crash And Burn" Online Net art Version. 2003 Enter "All Tomorrows Stories: The Loss Of Meaning and Trust" Net art V1. 2002 Enter "All Tomorrows Stories" Live news feeder. Online Net art Version III. Offline Information A series of artworks using live news feeds. They are made using a screen scraping technique (custom made software) to mash up the news in real time to create the artwork for exhibition. They can be exhibited on plasma screens or projected. The artworks remediate new feeds into a noise flow.
Availability. Each artwork is available in a limited edition series of 3. Custom computer code system. Each artwork is signed by Stanza. Artworks also available as large signed C print see below. Exhibitions 2002 -2004 Fluxusonline Internet Festival event Sao Paulo Brasil.
Selected images from the software |