Parallel Reality: Timescapes Software System 2004 Exhibition of artworks and Custom Software Surveillance artwork using all the live feeds everywhere all at once. Who is in control of who and what and why? These artworks or "mediascapes" are made from my software system that gathers images live from any webcam in the world. At your discretion it cuts them up them up to make time shift mediated artworks. The examples on this page are all made using custom made software. Numerous artworks and the software are available for exhibition. Also see selected large scale artworks are on this page. Context "Stanza does not conform to the traditional idea of the artist as someone who operates at the level of human aesthetics. It is rather as if he had taken it upon himself to be a channel for the expanded range of aesthetic experiences available beyond the human sensorium, and find some modes of expression that can make those experiences available to us. There is a sense, looking at and hearing his work, of it being a vanishing small representation of a far greater set of possibilities, and it is only his human finitude that limits his production. " Charlie Gere Technical This software art various filters and fields and allow: Choice of camera. Save artwork to database. Time for each segment. Do you want a square image or round image. Slice horizontal or vertical. Artworks. Selected large scale artworks are on this page. Screenshots from Beta version in 2004
(C) Stanza. Artwork By Stanza 2004