The Age Of Indifference 2012. Stanza

The work comprises of multiple grids that generate images from Google feeds. We are bombarded with information that feeds the mind with a cacophony of noise the agency of the population have become indifferent because of this form of mediated control.

Either watch the video above or click to enter artwork online. You need the shockwave plug- in installed to view the artwork to enjoy this artwork so you will need an old windows XP pro machine to do that. The work is best viewed on large screen.

Available. Custom made software system and computer files.

Keywords: Online, net art, artwork, system, real time.

Stanza Artworks, infobesity and data, visualisation, real time art, code and aesthetics.

Infobesity Series: Title:Fractured Information And History. Size 120 by 90 cm on canvas.

The Age Of Indifference 2012. Stanza Online version but you need a windows XP pro machine with shockwave installed.