Online digital netart from 1995 onwards including, The Central City, Inner City, Genomixer, Urban Generation. Each square is a separate art project.
Technical Note 20.8.2020. Most of these net artworks (pre 2012) can no longer be experienced online unless you are using an old computer running Windows 95, XP PRO, or Windows 7 with shockwave installed. These were all made using shockwave so that they could be placed online however ADOBE has now made the technology obsolete and updates to internet security mean that newer computers cannot experience these artworks as they were intended. I am leaving the artworks here as an archive, most have screenshots and videos of how they worked. They can be requested for exhibition in which case the files and set up instructions can be sent to you.
Yiu can also view my Netart specific artworks on my video channel click here: Made as archive to document the net art work.
Another way to view my Netart specific artworks is on my video channel click here. Made as archive to document the net art work.
If you are looking for the series called Amorphoscapes they have moved here.
If you are looking for the series called The Central City here.
If you are looking for the series called Genomixer here.