The Landscapes of Now.
Click to enter and wait a few seconds for data to start to be collected.
The digital media artwork 'The Landscape of Now' is an expressive poetic entity of invisible data made real and experienced as a visual landscape. It expresses wireless data from a whole country and is disclosed as a living breathing system. This organic data system also serves as a visual portrait of Portugal. The artwork can be thought of as an extension to the monitored constantly surveyed landscape which we are activily engaged.
The audience is now in the middle of a mega-structural form, the stacked city layer, monitored, landscape of planetary-scale computation. Systems are now monitoring other systems controlled by ever more sophisticated algorithms. This artwork is a not closed off system but open to continual feedback, change, and response. The thrust of this work aims to show what happens with the data to form new and speculative narratives that imply different truths often concerned with data ownership, privacy or sets of parameters that exploit notions of trust with the technologies we use everyday. The artwork is a systems of systems and contributes to my body of digtal work on panoptic aestetics and cultural mapping.
This artwork is using data from 100,000 wireless access points from across Portugal. The access points are in trees, on buses, on the tube, in cafes. These devices all show who logs on, where it, is what type of phone, what browser you use, when you log off and the GPS position.
There are several versions of this net based digital artwork system. It can be shown on three screens or projections when exhibited in a gallery.
What you are seeing is data in real time from all over Portugal and was made thanks to Wavecom (wireless experts in Aveiro) and STARTS residency project.
Available. Custom made software system and computer files.
View in chrome or explorer. Click image to enter and wait a few seconds for it to start. This is an online artwork.
Exhibition: Porto 2020. Mercado Manuel Firmino in Aveiro Portugal
Keywords: Online, netart, artwork, system, real time, data, landscape, poetics.

Collaboration with Wavecom. Exhibition set up in Porto 2020. Mercado Manuel Firmino in Aveiro Portugal |