Inner city.(net art version) finished 2002. artwork by Stanza
"Inner City"is the sister project to "The Central City" netart work
Different sections inside include:- virosity. artitexture. blackstar. complicity. cuboxis. intoxcity. megalopolis. misterium. modernista. ecumenopolis. motorate. organicity. phyletcity. revolver. utopias
The city codes itself up into a growing patterns and images based on algorithmic patterns. The digital city experience. The 'central city' has become an amalgamation of images from art, architecture, design and urbanism.
The idea is to go deeper into analogies for the organic identity of the city. The micro city becomes an organic networks of grids and diagrams.The form and content of this work is a visual world of the city and its structure. Networks of information technology are contrasted with organic networks and city networks. The project fuses the sounds of specific places.The sounds of language impose a rhythm that the visual narrative can interact with. The central city , is an audio visual, interactive, internet art, experience. The central city consists of text pieces, embedded sounds, all made for the internet. The city becomes an organic network of grids and diagrams, juxtaposing urban sights and sounds.
I wanted to develop analogies for the organic identity of the city as an urban community and make links with electronic networks and virtual communities. This organic interplay is contrasted with man made structures, as well as patterns and forms of urban design.
The online spaces are for dreaming, thinking, meditating and transience. The form and content of this work is a visual world of the city and its structure. A visual labyrinth, a maze of circumstance. The city itself is always changing; it is always in flux.
Each aspect of city life seems to demonstrate specific characteristics, which can be developed into individual parts of the labyrinth, making up the images that will be used. A city experience consists of small unit blocks and cells which inter-relate and lock together to form the composite city identity. The city has moved from metropolis to megalopolis to the ecumenopolis. The city is everywhere, with lifeless design spreading upwards and forming a conundrum of physical objects in space.
I am interested in the sounds of specific places, and how the sounds reflect this identity and re-impose characteristics back onto the location or environment. Cities all have specific identities, and found sound can give us clues to the people that inhabit these spaces, as well as provoking us and stimulating our senses in a musical way. The sounds of language impose a rhythm that the visual narrative can interact with. The intention within newer sections of the inner city, is to create an audio visual experience that evokes place, both as literal description but also developed musical composition. These are the ideas that are informing my new soundmaps series, and soundcities.
Versions exist that can be exhibited as an installation for larger spaces.
Technical points. You will need shockwave for some areas and will not be able to listen to my music unless you get shockwave. You must have downloaded and installed the shockwave plug-in. Also works best with Internet Explorer (IE)