Infobesity Series.
This series of digital artworks take images from news feed searches via google and reworks them up into these online collages that change over time. They each create a visual system of information reinterprested as pattern and noise. Watch the short video clip of these software systems. Made In 2006.
Custom made software, computer code, net art system. No longer online as net art project because shocwave is no longer supported but available for exhibition.
(C) All artists rights reserved 2006

Artworks made from these systems below
Infobesity and Knowledge 120cm by 80cm 2006. Digitial Print on canvas

The News Becomes Our History. 120cm by 80cm 2006. Digitial Print on canvas

1. Title "INFOBESITY - C - SYSTEM". Enter Artwork Online.
2. Title "INFOBESITY - I - SYSTEM". Enter Artwork Online.
3. Title "INFOBESITY- A - SYSTEM". Enter Artwork Online. |