The News Is Obsolete Series
A series of generative artworks using news based images scrapped off the internet from around the world. They update to the screen and generate a visualized cacophony of imagery that constantly changes. Made in 2006.
Watch the video example below. Technical. From 20.8.2020 these works have been taken offline. You need shockwave plug in installed (now obsolete) to experience these artworks.
Available for exhibitions.
Custom made software, computer code, net art system.
Keywords: Online, netart, artwork, system, generative.
(C) 2006


1. Title " Vertical Trajectories Of History". Enter Artwork Online.

2. Title " Horizontal Forces Of Influence and Power". Enter Artwork Online.

3. Title "Augmentation and Fabrication ". Enter Artwork Online.
Also Available: Selected artworks made using this custom made software.
History Is Your For The Making. Size 120 by 100 cm unique signed artwork.

Rhythms Of Information And Power. 100 cm by 100cm. Unique signed artwork.

People Of Lost Dreams. 100 cm by 100cm. Unique signed artwork.