Splitting the Alpha to Omega.
The artwork comprises of multiple grids collecting data from real time three hundred live onlinecamera feeds. The artwork always exists in the every present between beginning and ending. Time is represented and split into a series of events that monitor the changing world through networked cameras. What you see is a real time snap shot of the surveyed city flashing before you. The flickering glitch has removed the city to an abstracted interpretation of space which can be observed in a subtle way over many hours. As the day passes and turns to evening as do the colors of the flickering grids. The artwork relies on custom software to connect and use networked devices.
The online version used shockwave and you need this plug in installed to view the online work. This work is for PC. The netart version is no longer online as from 20.8.2020.
Available. Custom made software system and computer files.
Keywords: Online, net art, artwork, system, real time.
