Title: An Obsolescence of Identity. 2005. Enter Online Here. The code algorithm processes your image into an aesthetically controlled surveillance monitored grid.
Title: An Obsolescence of Value. 2005. Enter Online Here. The code divides you up into smaller and smaller version of yourself until you dissapear. Your relevance to the system make you obsolete.
The artwork is based on a fragmenting and reduced relationship to our own identity. These one million faces scrapped off the internet are no longer private people; these one million online faces have become virtual public domain property. You no longer own the right to your own image or identity. Everyone has become a target for data extraction.
Made in 2005. You need the shockwave plug-in installed.
To be viewed in gallery in a gallery on six large plasma screens. Larger version for exhibition srceen here.
The two artworks are available in an edition of 3. Custom made software system and computer files.

Video of the software artwork
An Obsolescence of Identity. from Stanza on Vimeo.

Keywords: Online, CCTV, net art, artwork, system, real time.