ABOUT: Entangled Cities explores the relationship of the city, controlled and represented by data, through expressive artworks that investigate how the invisible city now empowers the visible world. Thus, more-than-human exploration is leading us to a singularity entwined with the networked machine. Our future bodies will be enmeshed in an artificial layer, creating new borders and parameters of haves and have-nots. Imagine the landscape of data controlled via AI. This artwork connects in real time to hundreds of cities feeds intially focused on Milano for the first version. It can also be connect to multiple cities in Europe and USA. It incorporates bike data, weather stations data and pollution data from live feeds, augmented by custom neural nets to create new patterns. Also included are news feed images manipulated by AI speculating on political futures as generative AI. Live news texts manipulated by AI used in real-time as they re-generate. Photos from your phones are integrated into the artworks by custom APP users. An individual’s position in the city in real-time via phone GPS is integrated into the artwork by app users.
CONCEPTS: The project explores the future of cities governed by algorithms, creating data-driven co-creation systems that act as autonomous “consciousness,” monitoring the invisible city in real-time and generating new artworks through data visualisation. Entangled Cities addresses the relationship between AI and the city, seeking to make visible the hidden interactions between humans and non-human agents. Will the cities of the future be governed by algorithms? Can we make a city that learns by itself (self-governing) and makes its own decisions based on open data? This series of new artworks create speculative scenarios that address how AI will manifest its own desires through machine learning patterns, producing artworks that act as metaphors for an invisible agency in the city. The AI facilitatates the communication of a plethora of data through the artworks ranging from air quality, social relations, sentient data, mobility, and network data. Data is the medium of the age and is remade and manifested by machine learning algorithms to create alternate parallel realities. Where is this leading us? AI art is manifested by the constant remediation and interrogation of the past through a computational lens. This is currently reliant on input from human endeavours through our collected histories. Soon, it will be self-perpetuating, and the landscape will be full of computational endeavours and desires. The AI flowers produced by the seeds of our man-made history are now re-interpreted by the machine, which will lead us complicitly into a future sourced from us, re-designed, and remediated by AI. Thus, our future will be controlled and instructed by machines. This is the future domain of art, science, politics, and love.
EXHIBITIONS: to be shown on mulitiple projectors or screens to be discussed.
TECHNOLOGY: Software visualisations of the unsupervised machine learning system from Stanza API and online database have feeds providing data via machine learning to the artwork in real time.
Working example for chrome on a PC https://velocity.stanza.co.uk/entangledcities/19/