A new iconic project for Liverpool.
proposal Proposal for FACT REF: Ropewalks Square.
artistic vision. Rope Walk Square will incorporate the people and environmental data ( sensors data traffic pollution,s city, noise, etc) to create a visualization of place that represents the heartbeat of the city. This intervention will spread globally across the internet from Rope walks square to transmit the pulse of this spirited independent city with an international history The piazza / square Rope Walk Square will become a beacon, the centre of a new social space harvesting and transmitting data and information from across the city. The architectural intervention will present the emotional real time feel of the city by incorporating live data and CCTV images, representing Liverpool as a living breathing entity. Moving away from old metaphors of Liverpool's imperial history, to re-project a newer global image, digital and creative, a vibrant risk taking culture - independent, free thinking and global integrators. Project team.Stanza: Lead artist. www.stanza.co.uk Armand Terruli: director at Vector Foiltec
benefits What benefit does it have to Liverpool? New metaphor and forward looking identity. - A social space and new meeting place. What benefit to Fact - Open process. Global perspective.- Linkage through to Bold Street and main FACT entrance. - Make it a must see attraction in Liverpool and pull visitors to FACT - Innovative and creative use of technology and art intervention What benefit to local community. - People meet and be social, ie. A social space like a piazza. - And to see a bigger picture of the new digital portal watching out like the net-works of old. Relocate this area of upper Bold Street making use of the people flow up to Chinatown and the Cathedral and creating a logical attraction and stopping point. - Aesthetic vision. Options sculptural arcade in modern material with led and patterns in the space. Take as starting point ports and arcades of old and re-invent the space. - Create new rhythm in the space, using new display technologies which are open hardware (other artists and uses) as well as main artistic vision. |
about Stanza born in Liverpool 1962 now has an international reputation as artist working with live data and CCTV in public space and has explored dynamic architecture. Recurring themes throughout his career include, the urban landscape, surveillance culture and alienation in the city. His work has focused on new technologies and their relationship to urban space. In recent years he has spent time researching sensors, motes, CCTV, display technologies and interactive architectures. As a Liverpudlian I have experienced the changes the in city over many years this is an exciting opportunity for me to present an artistic / architectural intervention. ...................................................... Liverpool Liverpool city in flux, in transition, its a melting pots thats receptive that lives on its toes. Liverpool was the second city of empire, it has more statues than Florence, its a place that sees itself moving outwards. People. The people have sense of agency----- people who can oppose systems-----free and uninhibited----- they are protective ----- live in a melting pot of mixed social composition-------- strong independent minds ------ prepared to challenge. I want to engage this spirit of challenge, independence, and global connectivity and leverage this into a future vision.
Community involvement. I will consult local groups to asses the sense of identity and place. I would make this part of process: - to liaise with groups, traders, The Well being Centre; - incorporate what they require - engage opinion regarding the needs and wishes of the local community - what hat the public requires of the space ie. where to put buggies and bikes etc Go through planning and building processes and engage legal consultant and engineer. |
artistic development: This proposal uses electronic art, new digital media, interactive technology, dynamic real time solutions, and networked space to create responsive architecture that reflects the emotional real time state of the city of Liverpool. I have been working with live data and live CCTV for over ten years. My objective is to realize my ambition to use live real time data within the fabric of architectural space. There are three strands of my working process; these involve The patterns we make, the visual and imaginative interpretations we give to real world events, are already being networked into retrievable data structures that can be re-imagined and source for information. These patterns disclose new ways of seeing the world. The value of gathering and re-presenting this data in artistic form, and then analyzing its impact and influence, lies in making meaning accessible to a wider audience. The aesthetics will provide the building, the space and surrounding area with a sense of identity and represent a positive contribution to the urban landscape. It will do this by utilizing data in real time from the city of Liverpool. |
architectural intervention. First responses.. What happens if we cover the space?...extend space? Container Space. I am fascinated by the aspect of the shipping container on the social and economic landscape and its legacy within the city. This "invention" led to the loss of 120,000 jobs in UK seaports and the loss of all things connected to the shipping industry. It was in fact this single structure that most changed the heart and soul of Liverpool. Liverpool has moved on, and this container acts as a new metaphor for change. Containers offer windows into other spaces from around the city and from around the globe. Strips of data, imagery, and structure can be represented within the fabric of a container. The computer box, the new container ship of the communication age can act as a ship….but more importantly it’s become a key to unlock doors and travel the world. Once again we move away from the old metaphors to incorporate a newer global, digital, and creative use, of a vibrant risk taking culture. This building and space literally becomes alive. facade - roof covered in EFTE One could cover the space for example using a Vector clad media skin, embedded with leds (light emitting diodes) and this could be scaled up in modular fashion according to costs and budget. The site could be encased in a Texlon envelope that can be integrated to manipulate surface quality, with laminate LEDs that allows the creation of almost infinite visual variety and interest. -The surface can be designed to capture projected light for displaying images, video or colour. Each layer can be engineered to transmit, reflect or scatter the image, enabling the full exploitation of the envelope to operate as a visual panorama. In addition nodes cab be nade IP addressable EFTE with responsive imprint. This is flexible and modular. Texlon®'s multi-layered construction offers numerous opportunities to control the amount of solar shading and manipulate the visual transparency of the building envelope. This has enabled the development of low energy, naturally engineered environments. - Open source hardware. Structure and thoughts. - Self sufficient; solar panels.
Sketch from Wood Street What happens if we cover the space; extend space.
Facade image above illustrates live data on a wall of a building. This is currently in development in Trondheim Norway as a media face.
The vision includes
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Project team.Stanza: Lead artist. www.stanza.co.uk Armand Terruli director at Vector Foiltec www.vector-foiltec.com +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Stanza Stanza is an internationally recognized artist, who has been exhibiting worldwide since 1984. His artworks have won prestigious painting prizes and ten first prize art awards including:- Vidalife 6.0 First Prize. SeNef Grand Prix. Videobrasil First Prize. Stanzas art has also been rewarded with a prestigious Nesta Dreamtime Award, an Arts Humanities Creative Fellowship and a Clarks bursary award. His artworks have been exhibited globally with over fifty exhibitions in the last five years including:- Venice Biennale: Victoria Albert Museum: Tate Britain: Mundo Urbano Madrid: New Forest Pavilion Artsway: State Museum, Novorsibirsk. Biennale of Sydney, Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo Mexico: Plymouth Arts Centre: ICA London: Sao Paulo Biennale:
All his artworks can be found at www.stanza.co.uk Statement. Stanza creates a visual artworks informed by critical analysis of city spaces. Stanza researches data within cities and how this can be represented visualized and interpreted as artworks. Data from security tracking, traffic, and environmental monitoring can has been used to make artworks. These investigations have created new ways of comparing, conceptualizing and then visualizing complex concepts related to the relationship of emergent data and real space in the built environment. Stanza has made a series of modular artworks that express the possibilities for our data-mediated future. There are three strands to his working process; this involves collecting the data, visualizing the data, and then displaying the data. The outputs from the online interfaces and online visualizations have been realized as real time dynamic artworks as diverse as installations, and real objects, made out of new display materials re-located back in physical space. In all his artwork he tries to exploit the changing dynamics of city life as a source for creativity to create meaningful artistic metaphors. Stanza utilizes new technologies and integrates new media artworks into the public domain as part of this ongoing research into the visualization of city space. In essence he is researching data as a medium for creativity and how new experiences of our cities may result. His work has focused on new technologies and their relationship to urban space. In recent years he has spent time researching sensors, motes, CCTV, display technologies and interactive architectures. The body of work, 'The Emergent City' incorporates investigations into movements of people, the pollution in the air, the vibrations and sounds of city spaces. The archives of this data are controlled via bespoke online interfaces which have been re-formed and recounted into real time experiences, making emergent artworks. By investigating these data structures Stanza creates new metaphors relevant to the experience of the city and the environment. The patterns we make, the visual and imaginative interpretations we give to real world events, are already being networked into retrievable data structures that can be re-imagined and source for information. These patterns disclose new ways of seeing the world. The value of gathering and re-presenting this data in artistic form, and then analyzing its impact and influence, lies in making meaning accessible to a wider audience. SELECTED EXHIBITIONS: La Biennale di Venezia ie Venice Biennale: Victoria Albert Museum: Tate Britain: Mundo Urbano Madrid: New Forest Pavilion Artsway: State Museum, Novorsibirsk Exhibition. Biennale of Sydney, The Brisbane Room: Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo Mexico: Plymouth Arts Centre: ICA London: Sao Paulo Biennale:
Vector Foiltec. The Vector Foiltec Group started in Germany in 1981. The company now have offices worldwide including the USA, Europe, the Middle East, Russia and Australasia. Production facilities have also been expanded through the opening of a manufacturing plant in China in 2005 to augment our existing facilities in Europe. Vector Foiltec invented the use of Texlon®, the climatic envelope, over twenty five years ago and has successfully developed and promoted the use of this innovative technology worldwide. We offer clients a complete design and construction service, from initial concept through to scheme design, production, installation and facilities management. Our scope of services frequently includes the design and engineering of support structures and adjacent cladding.
Project Team Structure and Budget for Feasibility Study.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************************************************************************************************************************************** disclaimerStanza Images all rights reserved. The copyright for any material published on this website is reserved. Any duplication or use of objects such as images, diagrams and texts is not permitted without Stanza's written agreement. Other images copyright Vector Folitec as credited in alt tags. Stanza is a London based British artist who specializes in net art, data sculptures, and networked space. Work has been shown at The Venice Biennale, Tate Britain, The Victoria and Albert Museum. Recipient of Nesta Dreatime Award, AHRC creative fellowship and numerous prizes. His award winning online projects have been invited for exhibition around the world. Stanza also travels extensively to exhibit and present his artworks, lecturing and giving performances of his audiovisual interactions.
Stanza |